
Here, you’ll find us telling our own story. What makes us tick.
What gives us energy, and what’s driving our work. 

Why Gratitude Matters

Why Gratitude Matters

Those tiny moments of insignificant good add up, and those are the moments that we should be screaming from the rooftops. That version of the story will change your entire life.

Forget You, Fear

Forget You, Fear

For growth to happen, I have to be willing to be stretched. I have to step past what I can see in front of me and take a chance that there is even the possibility of something more. I have to be brave.

Effective vs. Efficient

Effective vs. Efficient

I’ve found that when I take my time, my skill level increases. The people that count on me actually have less work to do when I take my time and do it right.

The Power of Showing Up

The Power of Showing Up

There is power in showing up. I am a survivor of several chronic illnesses, and with that comes days that I just don’t feel good. I’ve spent over a year dealing with the ramifications of being incredibly sick (and still continue to deal with it), but I always showed...

Hearing vs. Listening

Hearing vs. Listening

True listening, dear friends, may be the answer to all of our predicaments. And as we listen, may it mold us into more kinder, more gracious, more compassionate, and more loving humans.

The Responsibility of Power

The Responsibility of Power

This week I peeked into the world of photography. I’m marveled by those who can stand behind the lens and capture the world’s beauty--it absolutely fascinates me. But as someone who has stood in the Colosseum and gazed upon the Arc de Triomphe, photography has always...

Room to Grow

Room to Grow

I should be able to grow my existing talents and learn new skills, and that means that I must be given room to grow. A place to share what I have to offer to the world. A safe environment to screw up and try again.

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